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--  作者:xvkewen
--  发布时间:2017/3/29 17:41:00
--  代码异常





Dim srs,bw As String   \'定义被更新行的办单号,办房部位;

Dim dr_finished As DataRow         \'定义与当前行最近的,有时间前,后行,和第一行与最后一行;

Dim dr_finishdate As List(of DataRow)  \'定义当前办单,当前工艺部件的工艺总条数集合;

srs =e.DataRow("办单号")

bw = e.DataRow("办房部位")

dr_finished = DataTables("工艺表").Find("是否完成 = \'true\' and 工艺序号< \'" & e.DataRow("工艺序号") & "\' and 办单号 = \'" & e.DataRow("办单号") & "\' and 办房部位 = \'" & e.DataRow("办房部位") & "\'","工艺序号 desc")

If dr_finished IsNot Nothing Then

    dr_finishdate = DataTables("工艺表").Select("是否完成 = \'false\' and 办单号 = \'" & srs & "\' and 办房部位 = \'" & bw & "\'and (工艺序号 > \'" & dr_finished("工艺序号") & "\'and 工艺序号 < \'" & e.DataRow("工艺序号") & "\')","工艺序号")

End If

--  作者:有点色
--  发布时间:2017/3/29 17:55:00



Dim srs,bw As String   \'定义被更新行的办单号,办房部位;

Dim dr_finished As DataRow         \'定义与当前行最近的,有时间前,后行,和第一行与最后一行;

Dim dr_finishdate As List(of DataRow)  \'定义当前办单,当前工艺部件的工艺总条数集合;

srs =e.DataRow("办单号")

bw = e.DataRow("办房部位")

dr_finished = DataTables("工艺表").Find("是否完成 = true and 工艺序号< \'" & e.DataRow("工艺序号") & "\' and 办单号 = \'" & e.DataRow("办单号") & "\' and 办房部位 = \'" & e.DataRow("办房部位") & "\'","工艺序号 desc")

If dr_finished IsNot Nothing Then

    dr_finishdate = DataTables("工艺表").Select("是否完成 = false and 办单号 = \'" & srs & "\' and 办房部位 = \'" & bw & "\'and (工艺序号 > \'" & dr_finished("工艺序号") & "\'and 工艺序号 < \'" & e.DataRow("工艺序号") & "\')","工艺序号")

End If