Foxtable(狐表)用户栏目专家坐堂 → 关于扫描条码的问题



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关于扫描条码的问题  发帖心情 Post By:2019/4/8 21:08:00 [显示全部帖子]




Dim smq As WinForm.TextBox = e.Form.Controls("TextBox1")
Dim kh As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label1")
Dim ys As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label2")
Dim gg As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label3")
Dim wm As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label4")
Dim tm As WinForm.Label = e.Form.Controls("Label5")
If smq IsNot Nothing
    If smq.text.Length = 19 Then
        With Tables("装箱数据")
            Dim r As Integer
            r = .Find(smq.text, .RowSel + 1, "条码数据", False, False, True)
            If r > - 1 Then '如果找到符合条件的行
                smq .ForeColor = Color.Red
                kh.text = smq.text.SubString(0,9)
                kh.ForeColor = Color.Red
                ys.text = smq.text.SubString(9,3)
                ys.ForeColor = Color.Red
                gg.text = smq.text.SubString(12,2)
                gg.ForeColor = Color.Red
                wm.text = smq.text.SubString(14,5)
                wm.ForeColor = Color.Red
                Dim Result As DialogResult
                Result = MessageBox.Show("扫码重复请检查是否存在装箱错误" & vblf  & smq.text, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.ok, MessageBoxIcon.Question)
                If Result = DialogResult.ok Then
                    smq.Value = ""
                End If
                tm.text = smq.text
                kh.text = smq.text.SubString(0,9)
                ys.text = smq.text.SubString(9,3)
                gg.text = smq.text.SubString(12,2)
                wm.text = smq.text.SubString(14,5)
                Dim zxtb As Row = Tables("装箱数据").AddNew
                zxtb("条码数据") = smq.text
                zxtb("款号") = kh.text
                zxtb("颜色") = ys.text
                zxtb("规格") = gg.text
                zxtb("唯一码") = wm.text
                smq.Value = ""
            End If
        End With
        Dim Result As DialogResult
        Result = MessageBox.Show("扫码位数错误" , "提示", MessageBoxButtons.ok, MessageBoxIcon.Question)
        If Result = DialogResult.ok Then
            smq.Value = ""
        End If
    End If
End If


